CTI Launches Product & Material Certification Program


The Cooling Technology Institute announced the launch of the CTI Product and Material Certification Program, which complements its globally recognized and respected Thermal Certification Program for open and closed-circuit cooling towers. The CTI will now certify that the products and materials tested and analyzed will comply with the requirements of the relevant CTI and/or other industry standards specified for the specific program. This certification will offer important benefits to suppliers, heat rejection equipment manufacturers and end users that the products and materials meet the appropriate properties called for in the referenced standards. 

The initial certification program will cover fiber-reinforced pultruded (FRP) structural materials for use in Cooling Towers. The program will certify that FRP structural materials from a specific manufacturer/supplier meet the material properties as identified in STD-137. CTI Standard 137 covers classification, materials of construction, tolerances, defects, workmanship, inspection and the physical, mechanical and design properties of glass fiber-reinforced pultruded structural shapes intended for use as construction items in cooling tower applications. 

As part of this new FRP Material Certification Program, the CTI will also be offering strength testing of FRP samples pulled from existing cooling towers during inspections or from cooling towers under construction. The test results will determine if the FRP samples meet the material properties of STD-137. 

Parties interested in this new material certification program for FRP structural components should contact Virginia Manser, the CTI Administrator, at [email protected] or (281) 583-4087, to request an information packet and application. The application packet will contain complete details on the FRP Material certification program, audit procedure, and sample testing. All interested parties are strongly encouraged to apply. 

For more information, visit www.cti.org